Sunday 2 June 2013

Nice Research...Where Is My Evidence?

This is a short and sweet post just showing you, my followers, as to what materials aided/helped me in looking at character research. These are books I own in my own possession and are very good reads if I do say so myself but let us not get sidetracked. The Sonic the Hedgehog book provided me an insight into how this iconic character was created, and I have certainly looked at the process SEGA took to undertake my task of creating the next big videogame icon for Shiny Money Entertainment.

Next I looked at book entitled 1001 Videogames You Must Play Before You Die helping me expand my knowledge of more gaming characters and the games themselves. What was also very good when reading this book is I have played most of the games mentioned, lets just hope I get to play more games before I.....sorry for getting sidetracked there, good book and read with it brimming with knowledge too.

Then to aid me a little step further, I looked at both gaming Guinness World Records books doing so, helped me understand the successful videogame characters currently as well as the ground breaking games which have been made, these starring more characters in these games mentioned in the book too.

Finally, I looked at a completely different book altogether this being a Marvel Comics Character Guide but believe it or not this also helped me out greatly. My motive for such madness was to also research character creation in general, not only limiting myself to games but broaden how other characters were created and what makes them unique. I have gathered all of my research together now and will apply this to creating my own videogame character and videogame too. Because you can't just have a character with no game to put them in now can we, nope. I'll catch you all in the next post and thanks ever so much as always for taking the time to read this. :)          

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