Sunday 2 June 2013

Imelda Visualisations

So we now know I'm creating a female character, Imelda, for Shiny Money Entertainment and hopefully she will be the next big gaming icon. In the post before this I gave you a bio on my character and this post will look at my concept drawings I have done myself for this character. Please do note, there are two version of this character one being a young state and the other an older state, because the game sees you advance through time with Imelda transforming respectively. I have also used existing reference images in her bio post as to what I would really like her to appear like, because these concept pieces I drew.......well, I'm no artist folks but I gave it my best shot. Enjoy my sketches and try not to hide behind whatever is close by.

Imelda (Young Version, Sketches) 

Above I have drew three sketches of a young visulaisation I have of Imelda as to what I would like her to appear like in the the game she will star in. I much like my far left sketch of her being in the elegant dress seeing it kind of takes inspiration from the appearance of Alice from the Wonderland fictional universe from which Lewis Carroll created. My second favorite sketch would be the far right image giving Imelda a school girl like appearance, this would give the impression to players she is somewhat still very young and would be scared of the dark themes scene at this age until she transforms into her adult state.   

Imelda (Adult Version, Sketches) 

From the image above these are my concept pieces for Imelda's adult state in the game whenever she transforms into her witch persona. I like my far left drawing as it has a mystic edge feel to it but did not like my far right image sketch because the appearance of her came across to me as being too "normal" for her persona in this state. 

I hope you have enjoyed these sketches and that your eyes have not popped out of your head, my next post will be describing the back story of the game and more on Imelda. Join me then, thanks.  

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