Sunday 2 June 2013

I Survived My Pitch!

Welcome back folks and I'm pleased to announce my gaming idea and particular character idea of Imelda has been somewhat of a success. Now I'm not getting big headed or anything and usually I hate public speaking and all the rest of it but I believe my pitch was strong despite a few, maybe, confidence hiccups. These hiccups just being make eye contact constantly, be dynamic in posture and other things but nothing real big. Upon my own reflection I would have liked to be more enthusiastic or excited but maybe the nerves got me there, but yours truly will work on this.....I'm only human of course :) Anyways, my client believe I was strong overall but did point out just to work on my confidence a bit more but other than that they were pleased with what I had.

So there you have it folks my pitch is complete with the next post being final evaluation of the full project itself. First time blogging is what this got me into, truth be told.....I'm going to miss it. Thanks guys see you next time in the final post. Tissues at the ready then, plus I hope you all have enjoyed my quirky sense of humour and not made you cringe at anything, I do try and make it all fun. Thanks again and see you in the next post.  

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