Saturday 16 March 2013

Progress Update

Bringing you a quick update on my current project which if you can remember way back was to create a new iconic video game character for my client and game company Shiny Money, which I can say is still ongoing. The character I do create will be (hopefully) the next big icon, gamers will care about the character, Shiny Money's official company mascot and for them to star in many games. So what is taking me so long I hear you cry? Well before jumping in I had to research the games industry so I could get my bearings but now most of that is done I'm now able to look into video game character development which I'll be making blogs about, after all this is the whole purpose of this full blog. I do have a few ideas in mind and will tailor it to the needs of Shiny Money, they have also said the game in which my character will be portrayed in will be of a hack and slash genre themed game but the character needs to be likable to all ages who play the game, this is no easy task folks considering characters are usually all serious, bad, don't give a toss attitude in these types of games but will do my best. So there you have it a small update on what I have been doing so I AM NOT TWIDDLING MY THUMBS! One piece of info, I'll be soon meeting an industry figure to further help me in my character development idea and just really to gain inspiration from him, keep your eyes peeled on the blog then to see how the visit goes. Until next time and thanks for reading.

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