Sunday 17 February 2013

Shiny Money.......WHO!?

So by now your probably wondering just who is the games company known as Shiny Money Entertainment, well this next blog post will act as a profile detailing them. Shiny Money Entertainment was first established in 1998 making their mark on the games industry form the get go, since then they have expanded to becoming a global independent game development company with a whole host of great games to their catalogue of games made. Shiny Money Entertainment's games are not limited to just one gaming genre but rather a mixture of many different genre elements within their games. Some of the games they have made have been adventure, puzzle and role playing genre based games including many others too. They have also had games released on many gaming hardware platforms such as home consoles, PC, mobile devices and handheld gaming platforms too.

I hope now you have a better understanding of Shiny Money Entertainment and why the task of them giving me an opportunity of creating the next big gaming character/icon is a very important job for me to undertake. Shiny Money Entertainment also acts as my client for this task of creating the character for them, after all it was them who approached me about such an opportunity. Until the next time and thanks for reading.

(Image Ref Source: 

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